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(Summary description)Military warehouse is mainly responsible for receiving, keeping, maintaining and distributing military materials. It is divided into military professional warehouse and military comprehensive warehouse.
(Summary description)Military warehouse is mainly responsible for receiving, keeping, maintaining and distributing military materials. It is divided into military professional warehouse and military comprehensive warehouse.
Military warehouse is mainly responsible for receiving, keeping, maintaining and distributing military materials. It is divided into military professional warehouse and military comprehensive warehouse. The former includes ordnance warehouse, quartermaster warehouse, oil warehouse, medicine warehouse, armored tank warehouse, automobile tractor warehouse, engineering equipment warehouse, communication equipment warehouse, training equipment warehouse, etc. The latter includes storage of a variety of military materials warehouse, integrated supply of a number of military materials warehouse, etc. Military warehouse can also be divided into base warehouse and field warehouse according to material storage conditions. The former is mostly permanent and semi-permanent warehouse; the latter is mostly simple warehouse. In order to meet the needs of modern war, military warehouses will gradually realize automation, electronic and intensive management, and continuously improve the quality, efficiency and efficiency of warehouse work. At present, the army of some countries pays attention to the construction of mobile warehouse, emphasizes the establishment of regional warehouse group with comprehensive support ability, strengthens the protection ability of warehouse, and continuously improves the level of mechanization and automation management of warehouse.
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